The ICGH is part of the 3R Network Baden-Württemberg, which makes a central contribution to improving animal welfare in research and teaching. For this reason, all our experimental work is based on the so-called 3R principle, which was developed in 1959 by the British scientists William Russell and Rex Burch to promote the ethical treatment of animals in research and to avoid unnecessary suffering. In this context, the three “R”s stand for Replace, Reduce and Refine.

Here are the three aspects in detail:

1. Replace: Animal testing should be replaced entirely if there are suitable alternative methods for answering the scientific question. These include, for example, in vitro or ex vivo cell models, 3D organoids, organ-on-a-chip, etc.

2. Reduce: If animal testing is unavoidable, the number of animals used should be kept to the necessary minimum to achieve meaningful scientific results.

3. Refine: Animal testing should be designed to minimize animal suffering and distress. This can be achieved by improving housing conditions, using gentler treatment and anesthesia methods, or less invasive techniques. The aim is to minimize the stress and discomfort of the animals as much as possible and to promote their well-being.

In addition, we are committed to teaching in order to establish the 3R principle firmly in the university landscape.

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